CMR1000 Smart Lock Proximity

CMR1000 Smart Lock Proximity

Smart locks are the latest technological locks that provide convenience for the elderly, children, and disabled people to open the door of the apartment, ending the trouble of searching for residents who come with materials in their hands, opening the doors using a card or chip key.
CMR 1000 smart lock can be used compatible with all kinds of video and doorphone systems and can be used mounted on your apartment doors, office doors. The CMR 1000 smart lock motor structure provides you ease of use by facilitating the unlocking of the door both inside the apartment and outside the door with its front and rear reader.
It provides alternative opening with the button on it. There is a led on the reader indicating that the system is constantly working. CMR 1000 smart lock designed for internal and external use is covered with steel. It is a user-friendly product that can be easily used in bidirectional passages with its front and rear reader, button and knob system.
When the automat is pressed from the apartments, it will automatically lock the door after a lot of time. This time can be adjusted. It continues to be used with an optional battery-powered transformer against power outages. The CMR 1000 smart lock supports 1000 users. The smart lock that works with 12 VDC does not require any extra maintenance with its robust structure.